The Woman's Club of Wenonah was founded in 1922 and joined the New Jersey State Federation (NJSFWC) and the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) in 1923. With membership in our club, you are automatically a member of both of these clubs.
The GFWC has had a tremendous impact on the lives of all Americans through their involvement in establishing public libraries throughout the country, as well as being a large part of helping to get the Vote for Women.
By 1933 GFWC had founded 75% of America's public libraries, and one of GFWC's founding members, Lizzie Crozier French, influenced Mrs. Burn, mother of Harry T. Burn, to persuade her 24 yr. old son in the Tenn legislature to vote YES for suffrage. He cast the deciding vote to ratify the 19th Amendment. Thanks to Lizzie Crozier French, Mrs. Burn, and Harry of course, the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote became the law of the land.